Saturday, March 13, 2010

This is to demonstrate how similar me and Barbara really are. The first picture is a drawing that an art student did for an assignment, I'm not entirely convinced he did get the nose right but it does remind me a lot of Barbara Streisand.


Keri said...

JAMIE!!! I THOUGHT THESE WERE BOTH YOU! I thought maybe you had gone back to the days of Ronald McDonald hair and had an artsy profile pic taken. Wow.

ktb said...

I always loved that picture. . . and the similarity really is striking! Love it!

Ruth McKimson said...

No, I'm sorry, though there is a similarity, there are differences, too. Not that I think either profile is anything but beautiful . . . Barb's lips and chin protrude a bit more, and her forehead has more of a slant, too. Still, like I said, they're both beautiful.

Ruth McKimson said...

That last comment didn't turn out quite right . . . and there's no erase button. What I meant was: yes, they are amazingly similar!! . . . but not exactly (which of course goes without saying). That's what I really meant.